Consul General Jun Yanagi Welcomed by Heiwa Terrace Residents
Consul General Jun Yanagi chats with Heiwa Terrace residents at the lobby in Heiwa Terrace.
Consul General Jun Yanagi and Deputy Consul General Naoya Kishi visited the Heiwa Terrace, a senior affordable apartment, on April 23 and talked with the residents.
The Heiwa Terrace, located near Lake Michigan on Chicago's North Side, was originally built by the Japanese American community in 1980 to provide a safe and comfortable place for the Issei, who had worked hard since immigrating to the U.S., to spend their retirement years. Heiwa Terrace has been owned by the Japanese American Service Committee Housing Corporation.
With the passage of time, the Issei gradually passed away, and the current residents of Heiwa Terrace are not only of Japanese descent, but also of Korean, Chinese, European, and African descent, making it a diverse community. However, the residents can still feel the Japanese atmosphere in a large painting of the Heian period scene (794-1192) and the display of flower arrangements made by resident volunteers.
The visitors were welcomed by Karina Dahlen, Regional Supervisor, and Tony Jackson, Building Manager of the Evergreen Real Estate Services, the organization that manages the Heiwa Terrace operations. Besides the Heiwa Board of Directors joined to welcome the visitors. They were Board President Janice Omachi and six Board of Directors, Lynx Chang, Mary Doi, Hidetaro Kashima, Alice Murata, Michael Takada, and Megan Nakano.
Heiwa Terrace is located on the corner of Lawrence Ave. and Sheridan Rd. in the City of Chicago
CG Yanagi and Deputy CG Kishi had a meeting with the management and the board members, were briefed on the Heiwa Terrace, and toured a resident unit.
Heiwa Terrace had a major renovation in 2021 to 22, and the 13-story building has 204 residential units, all one-bedroom. The ground level is a bright and spacious floor with wide windows and glass partitions, and a lobby, lounge, mail room, and laundry room are well-lighted with natural light.
Welcomed by the residents gathered in the lounge, CG Yanagi greeted them and said, "It is the first time for me to visit this Heiwa Terrace. I’m so impressed by the spacious grand floor. It is so nice and elegantly and functionally designed." And then he said, "I would say it is much, much better than my small condominium in Tokyo," and drew laughter from the residents.
Karen Uchima (C), President of the Residents’ Council, presents a handmade kaite to Consul General Jun Yanagi. The photo left is Resident Service Coordinator Maiko Yanai.
He continued to talk to the residents, “I am very much mindful about Japanese American people’s life and histories, and the significant contribution to the American communities and society. I also understand that in proportion of JA residents here is not that big, but in that sense, I am very much delighted to see the JA resident community is really in harmony with other communities of Asian American people here in the beautiful housing. So I hope that you’ll continue to have an enjoyable life here in the Heiwa Terrace.”
After his greeting, Karen Uchima, President of the Residents’ Council, presented a handmade kite to CG Yanagi as a token of good luck.
After the gift presentation, CG Yanagi chatted with the JA residents. He also talked with Korean residents in their language which delighted them.
Finally, CG Yanagi and Deputy CG Kishi left the Heiwa Terrace after viewing an exhibit of handicrafts and artwork created by the residents.
Crafts and artwork exhibition at the lobby of the Heiwa Terrace.